What About Weddings?


What About Weddings is a grassroots community for all wedding businesses and professionals, supporting engaged couples who are getting married, and helping the industry grow and evolve with fair representation at every level.

What About Weddings evolved out of necessity and the desire to give those creating, working or investing within the sector a voice.

In 2020 we saw a complete standstill as weddings were completely banned or restricted so severely that businesses could not trade viably, due to the global pandemic that changed our lives so dramatically.

Founders Jessie Westwood (Wedding Planner at Studio Sorores), Annabel Beeforth (Creative Director and Publisher at Love My Dress) and Tamryn Settle (Wedding Celebrant and Author) joined forces alongside industry peers to launch a nationwide UK political campaign, pushing for adequate financial support, parity with other hospitality sectors, and a roadmap to reopening for us to plan ahead with.

We quickly established a strong following across social media; galvanising and encouraging entrepreneurs, small businesses, workers and couples getting married to start standing up for weddings by providing the function and tools to take our case to Government and the media.

Within just six months we had gathered over 45,000 followers across social media channels, gained extensive media coverage, managed to establish a wide base of cross party MP support and had ensured our industry and couples impacted by restrictions were being represented loudly in parliament and the press.

In July 2021, the wedding industry reopened in full.

Our 80% female led industry of over 400,000 workers in every urban and rural constituency had returned to business as normal, albeit with some tapered restrictions and a heavier responsibility to carry out detailed risk assessments to keep our clients and staff safe, proving our exceptional skill and professionalism in the months that followed.

Whilst the 18 months of campaigning and supporting our sector was challenging, and often frustrating or difficult, the one significant success and legacy has been the huge supportive and brilliant community we have built across the world.

We have learnt many lessons and have a deep rooted desire to help our sector continue to grow, raise standards, share skills, protect mental health, provide new jobs and career prospects, and continue to ensure an accurate representation is made to both decision makers and within the press.

Following on from a number of comprehensive surveys, we have listened carefully and together concluded that there is so much more we can do, to offer and support our wedding community for many years to come.

At the start of 2022 we announced that we are launching a brand new wedding community membership.

One that the sector has never seen before. An inclusive, high value, affordable and easy to access platform for anyone who wants to build on their successes, invest in their growth, access latest information, and ensure we always have a voice on an international scale.

Every month our members will get access to live online events and workshops, comprehensive information and workflow tools, latest news with political engagement, discounts and benefits, an online forum and a chance to connect with others facing the same challenges and opportunities.

What About Weddings is a global community for wedding businesses, creative brands, emerging artists, entrepreneurs and all couples getting married.